Sustainable ArtLink
Our vision is to harness the power of art and craft in driving awareness to the fragility and preciousness of the world we live in and to the variety and fascination of cultural voices. Our mission is to conduct ourselves in the most responsibly sustainable way possible, become the world’s first certified, sustainable global art player and set a new industry standard. We combine methodologies designed to promote cultural sustainability and regeneration with eco-sensitive practices, sustainable logistics and nourishment of local creative communities.

Sustainable Project Management
Cultural Sustainability & Community Involvement
Environment and Resources
Responsible Logistics
In 1990, while a student in New York City, I joined the founders of Amanaka'a, an organization launched to bring awareness to the rapid, irresponsible destruction of the Brazilian rainforest. Following the Chico Mendez Campaign, Amanaka'a established Amazon Week in New York. For a decade, it was the largest global event of its type. In 1992, I spent two months in the jungles of Brazil, producing a documentary film about the internal violence against the local rubber tappers. That film, which opened the NGO Assembly of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro that year and later opened the PBS nationwide season in the US, marked an important milestone in my understanding of how far a personal drive for a more sustainable world may go. This drive has led me in many different directions over the years and matured into different activities in all of my undertakings. At ArtLink, we believe that any drive for sustainability starts with self-awareness and develops through understanding the importance of the sustainability and regeneration of cultures.
Tal Danai, Founder & CEO ArtLink

In collaboration with Seatrade Cruise Global, ArtLink’s founder Tal Danai developed a mini webseries, bringing together speakers with a shared vision of designing and building the next generation of tourism. 2020 has sharpened our understanding of our responsibilities to the world around us and its reflection within us. Championing cultural sustainability through ArtLink’s practices for over two decades, it was Tal’s enthusiasm to help drive a social change towards our lifestyles that encouraged the development of this series.
“A Thousand Kisses Deep”
(Seatrade Cruise Talks. October 2020)
Why Do We Travel?
(Seatrade Cruise Talks. March 2021)
Yellow Submarine - Interior Design for Well Being
(SMM Conference. February 2021)
Responsible Tourism – The Case For Regenerative Tourism
(Seatrade Cruise Talks. April 2021)
“Take Only Memories…” – Cultural Sustainability and Memorable Guest Experiences Curatorial, Design and Operational Reflections
(Seatrade Cruise Talks. May 2021)